
Friday, November 12, 2010

5 Tips Nak Jadi Kurus

hei3 !! aq ad bende nk share ngan kowang..but please don't take these serious k..just 4 kidding !! hahha..go reading..:]

1.Amek sehelai kertas kosong.Then tulis "TOLONG BERITAHU SYE YG SYE NIE KURUS !! BARANGSIAPE YG DIDAPATI TIDAK BERBUAT SEDEMIKIAN,ANDA SEDANG BERURUSAN DENGAN THE LITTLE 'MAK PAU' SO KALO TA NAK APE2 TERJADI SILE BERIKAN KERJASAMA !! " kt atas kertas ur..pastu,korang tampal kat blakang korang..nescaya,bile ad org yg llu akan mnegur korang mcm nie ' awak nie kuruslah !? '

2.Pegi kat mne2 kilang yg wat cermin.pastu bli beberape cermin yg bole mmbuatkan korang nmpak kurus..then,silelah taruk kat bilik n mne2 tmpat yg korng rse prlu..bile2 je korang rse cam nk tngok cermin..tngok cermin ur..confem korng akan kelihatan kurus sntiase..

3.Amek stu kotak yg besar shingge memuatkan bdan.pastu amek mne2 gmbar awek yg kurus2 ur..n tmpal kat ats kotak ur..pastu kowang kuar arh jejalan..kan da krus..hahha.

walopown tjuk aq 5 Tips bla bla ad 3 tips je..sbb aq da ta de idea nk meraban tips 4 n 5 is coming soon..haha..tngok arh kalo aq da idea nnty..

sbnanye tips nie just utk org2 yg da desperate sgt nk krus..slamat MENCUBA ye..hakshakshaks..:P
ok anyeoung~

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ouhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!

haish..apsal arh mrkah aq terok giler nie ??? bency btol larh... aisehmen !! da larh bm A ckop2 mkan je , plak 69 !! teroknye.. lgy stu yg mrungsingkan aq nie..PS..walopown mende nie kecik arhhhhhhhhhhhh...habislarh ta antar pper 2 PS..da wat pnat2 tp ta antar.....bengong btol....hrap markah ur ta ggngu pointer aq..kalo ggngu..hbislarh..anway..hri nie biase je..
dtg skola + msuk kabin + trmenung + borak n gossip + ssun meja + maen uno + maen uno + maen uno = hari nie
haa !!

lgy stu,.hri ta de brtugas pss sbab library da ttup mulai mnggu enjoy !! hahhaa..mksud aq...merdeka..yes3 !! merdeka dri Ms. Setanobessogatal !! hahha,.kalo ad yg ta taw mksud nme ur..tnye aq ekh..oraits..gtg..
lgy stu...nk bgtaw yaya ku yg trcinte mende nie : ' Yaya !! I'm missing u so damn much !! ' ouh..wanna to see you..n kalo ad mse wat larh facebok..bnyk gmbr2 kat skola sni aq taruk kat stu..hermmmm..
oklarh..may i got to see you again..

daa~anyeoung !!

Monday, November 8, 2010

mY Kim Hyun JoOng oPpa~

first time aq knal dye..dlam citer Boys Over Flower ( BOF ) ..wktu tngok citer ur,mmang aq target last skali Geum Jan Di dgan Jin Ho .. but last2 dpat gak kat Gu Jun Pyo..wktu ur aq frust gak bile tngok citer Playful Kiss, giler..nk taw knape ?? sbab pakwe aq nie larh hero aq ske tngok citer Playful Kiss sbb ending sperti yg aq plankan..wahh..syok giler nk ucpkan stinggi time kaseh kt aisya sbab da bnyak tlong aq dlam tngok citer nie..hahha..gumawo~ ok larh gtg..daaa~

broKEn hEart ~

At first,i want to say that i love you..

but suddenly i realise that you're not mine..

so i try to forget you..

but you see..

even how hard i tried..

you still in my mind..


until now..

you're in my heart..

but you make me hurt..

so i again try to forget you..

but i can't..


i hope that you would not angry..

..if i say..

..that i still love you..